classroom of the future

What will the Classroom look like in the Future?

I post this question first on Quora and I asked examples for new face-to-face and virtual classrooms! What would be the new role of the teachers inside this new world? There are many interesting answers and examples. In the following my points to this issue:

  1. The Cretaceous period is over, interactive boards are moved into place.
  2. In height adjustable tables and chairs are part of standard equipment.
  3. The school furniture is flexible and mobile.
  4. Before each lesson, students can decide for yourself organized on the way in which they follow the lessons.
  5. Each student has an interactive, non-territorial student’s workplace.
  6. Students decide whether they stand or sit.
  7. The classroom of the future is multifunctional.

more answers on Quora here


Classroom of the future

Guest Post:
Kids‘ Cognition Is Changing—Education Will Have to Change With It
written by Megan Garber

This morning, Elon University and the Pew Internet and American Life Project released a report about the cognitive future of the millennial generation. Based on surveys with more than 1,000 thought leaders — among them danah boyd, Clay Shirky, David Weinberger, and Alexandra Samuel — the survey asked thinkers to consider how the Internet and its environment are changing, for better or worse, kids‘ cognitive capabilities.

The survey found, overall, what many others already have: that neuroplasticity is, indeed, a thing; that multitasking is, indeed, the new norm; that hyperconnectivity may be leading to a lack of patience and concentration; and that an „always on“ ethos may be encouraging a culture of expectation and instant gratification.

The study’s authors, Elon’s Janna Anderson and Pew’s Lee Rainie, also found, however, another matter of general consensus among the experts they surveyed: that our education systems will need to be updated, drastically, to suit the new realities of the intellectual environment. „There is a palpable concern among these experts,“ Rainie puts it, „that new social and economic divisions will emerge as those who are motivated and well-schooled reap rewards that are not matched by those who fail to master new media and tech literacies.“ As a result: „Many of the experts called for reinvention of public education to teach those skills and help learners avoid some of the obvious pitfalls of a hyper-connected lifestyle.“

This is not a new argument — it seems both entirely appropriate and entirely obvious that the Internet will engender a necessary revolution in education as a system and as an assumption — but it’s striking to see the idea expressed by so many experts, across so many different fields. The survey containing their thoughts is well worth a read; it offers a great overview of the general thinking about the Internet-cognition connection, not to mention some thought-provoking — if broad — suggestions about where we go from here.

It also offers its experts‘ predictions about what the most-desired life skills (for young people, but ostensibly for everyone else, too) will be in the year 2020. Among the skills they highlighted: public problem-solving through cooperative work — crowdsourcing and the like; the ability to search effectively for information online; the ability to distinguish the quality and veracity of online discoveries; the ability to synthesize, or combine facts and details from different sources into coherent narratives; the ability to concentrate; and the ability to distinguish between the signal and the noise as the information we’re exposed to gets bigger, and broader, and more plentiful.

All these skills can be taught. The question is whether kids will learn them in school, or outside of it.

Image: Lia Koltyrina/Shutterstock.

This article available online at:

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The secret of learning

What are the most important skills
you should teach a kid?

by me January 2011

Many people complain that a lot of what is taught in schools is not going to be relevant to most people in their adult lives. Regardless of how you feel about that – what about the flipside of that – what are some really important things that we should be teaching our kids, but aren’t ?

Three facts in my opinion:

  1. What the kids should learn in school is mostly negligible in the long term.

  2. What the kids should learn from their parents is mostly only  important in the short term.

  3. What the kids should learn from their friends is of invaluable  importance for the whole time of life.

Most of what the kids learn they discover by themselves and from  their best  friends.

When I think back to my teaching days, then the influence of the school was much less than the cost of the operation then to teach me.

So, my main answer is,open the space for learning but let them decide self what they discover.

This means, quite radically, we are less concerned with the children and more need to worry about the learning circumstances.

I am absolutely convinced, the stability of strong architecture is more important than the content.
Content is interchangeable, architecture is forever.

Today, I’m trying not to betray my children the secret of learning.
I try to keep the space free that my kids discover it by themselves.

I remeber by my self, the most astonished answer I get about learningwas about me and my self. At the end, my principle is – less is more.

We do not spoil the children’s appetite to learn, by bad teaching, bad books, worthless content. I call it the discovery of the spirit of learning.

My maxim as a  father :  understanding ,  forgiveness,  trust and waive.

Die 4V’s: verstehen, vertrauen, verzeihen und verzichten.

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